《中医临床诊疗术语 第1部分:疾病》(修订版)
中医临床诊疗术语 第1部分:疾病
Clinic terminology of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment dseases
—Part 1:Diseases
《中医临床诊疗术语 第1部分:疾病》(修订版) 目录
共 [1259] 篇
- 前言
- 范围
外感病类术语 category of external contraction diseases terminology
- 外感时令类病 category of seasonal external contraction disease
- 伤寒类病 category of cold damage disease
- 温疫类病 category of warm epidemic disease
- 温病 warm disease
- 疫病 epidemic disease
- 风温病 wind warm disease
- 春温病 spring warm disease
- 暑温病 summer warm disease
- 湿温病 dampness warm disease
- 伏暑病 latent summer-heat disease
- 冬温病 winter warm disease
- 风疹 rubella
- 水痘 varicella
- 瘟毒病 warm toxin disease
- 大头瘟 swollen head due to infection
- 软脚瘟 pestilent flaccidity of foot
- 肝热病 liver heat disease
- 肝瘟 liver-pestilence disease
- 痧病 filthy-attack eruptive disease
- 瘴病 miasmic disease
- 疟疾 malaria
- 痢疾 dysentery
- 痨病 pulmonary tuberculosis
- 鼠疫 plague
- 疫霍乱 seasonal epidemic cholera
- 麻疹 measles
- 烂喉丹痧 scarlet fever involving the throat
- 白喉 diphtheria
- 顿咳 pertussis
- 痄腮 mumps
- 疫斑热 epidemic hemorrhagic fever
- 稻瘟病 rice epidemic disease
- 沙虱病 scrub typhus
- 炭疽 anthrax
- 麻风病 lepriasis
- 天花 smallpox
- 性传播类病 category of sexually transmitted disease
- 寄生虫病类术语 category of parasitic diseases terminology
中毒及意外伤害类术语 category of poisoning and accidental traumatic injury terminology
- 药毒类病 category of drug poisoning disease
- 食毒类病 food poisoning
- 中煤毒病 gas poisoning
- 瘾毒类病 category of addiction disease
- 虫螫伤类病 category of insect bite disease
- 创伤类病 category of traumatic disease
- 骨折病 category of fracture
- 开放性骨折 open fracture
- 陈旧性骨折 old fracture
- 锁骨骨折 fracture of clavicle
- 肩胛骨骨折 fracture of scapula
- 肱骨骨折 fracture of humerus
- 尺骨骨折 fracture of ulna
- 桡骨骨折 fracture of radius
- 尺桡骨干双骨折 fracture of both radius and ulna
- 腕舟骨骨折 fracture of scaphoid bone
- 掌骨骨折 fracture of metacarpal bone
- 指骨骨折 fracture of phalangeal bone
- 股骨骨折 fracture of femur
- 髌骨骨折 fracture of patella
- 胫骨骨折 fracture of tibia
- 腓骨骨折 fracture of fibia
- 胫腓骨干骨折 fracture of both tibia and fibia
- 踝部骨折 fracture of malleolus
- 距骨骨折 fracture of talus
- 足舟骨骨折 fracture of navicular bone
- 跟骨骨折 fracture of calcaneus
- 跖骨骨折 fracture of metatarsal bone
- 趾骨骨折 fracture of phalanx
- 胸骨骨折 fracture of sternum
- 肋骨骨折 fracture of rib
- 颈椎骨折 fracture of cervical vertebrae
- 胸腰椎骨折 fracture of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
- 尾椎骨折 fracture of coccygeal vertebrae
- 骨盆骨折 fracture of pelvis
- 脱位病 dislocation disease
- 颞颌关节脱位 dislocation of temporomandibular joint
- 颈椎脱位 dislocation of cervical vertebrae
- 尾椎脱位 dislocation of coccygeal vertebrae
- 胸锁关节脱位 dislocation of stenoclavicular articulation
- 肩锁关节脱位 dislocation of acromioclavicular joint
- 肩关节脱位 dislocation of shoulder joint
- 肘关节脱位 dislocation of elbow joint
- 腕掌关节脱位 dislocation of carpometacarpal joint
- 掌指关节脱位 dislocation of metacarpophalangeal articulation
- 膝关节脱位 dislocation of knee joint
- 髌骨脱位 dislocation of patella
- 踝关节脱位 dislocation of ankle joint
- 骨折合并脱位病 category of fracture and dislocation
- 筋骨病 disease related to sinews and bones
- 筋出槽 tendon off-position
- 骨错缝 joint subluxation
- 漏肩风 scapulohumeral periarthritis
- 特发性脊柱侧凸 idiopathic scoliosis
- 颈椎病 cervical spondylopathy -4
- 腰椎病 lumbar vertebral disease - 3
- 骨质疏松症 osteoporosis
- 急性腰扭伤 acute sprain of waist
- 腰肌劳损 lumbar muscle strain
- 骶髂关节损伤 injury of sacroiliac joint
- 腕关节扭挫伤 sprain and contusion of carpal joint
- 踝关节扭伤 sprain of ankle joint
- 跖跗关节扭伤 sprain of tarsometatarsal joint
- 损伤内证病 category of internal damage diseases
- 头部内伤病 internal acranial damage disease
- 胸部内伤病 internal thoracic damage disease
- 腹部内伤病 internal abdominal damage disease
- 损伤出血 traumatic hemorrhage
- 损伤疼痛 traumatic pain
- 伤后发热 fever after injury
- 损伤昏厥 coma after injury
- 伤后癃闭 anuria after injury
- 损伤痿软麻木 flaccidity and numbness after injury
- 损伤眩晕 dizziness and vertigo after injury
- 损伤喘咳 cough and wheezing after injury
- 虫兽咬伤病 insect or beast bite
- 破伤风 tetanus
- 骨折病 category of fracture
- 冻伤类病 category of frostbite disease
- 水火烫伤 scald or burn due to hot water or fire
- 电击伤 electric injury
- 自缢 hanging suicide
- 溺水 drowning
- 卒死 sudden death
脏腑病及相关病类术语 category of visceral disease and other related disease
- 心系病 category of heart system disease
- 胸痹心痛 heartache due to chest impediment
- 真心痛 real heart pain
- 高原胸痹 plateau chest impediment
- 心痹 heart impediment
- 心瘅 heart heat disease
- 虚眩 deficiency dizziness
- 心厥病 heart syncope
- 心水病 heart failure
- 惊悸病 palpitation due to fright
- 怔忡病 severe palpitation
- 百合病 lily disease
- 神劳病 mental exhaustion
- 不寐病 insomnia
- 多寐病 somnolence
- 梦魇病 nightmares
- 梦游症 somnambulism
- 痫病 epilepsy
- 失志病 mental disease
- 邪祟病 illusion due to evil disease
- 癫狂病 manic and depressive psychosis
- 痴呆病 dementia
- 肝系病 category of liver system disease
- 风眩 wind dizziness
- 痉病 convulsive disease
- 黄疸病 jaundice disease
- 肝着 liver stagnacy
- 肝胀 liver distension
- 肝癖 liver mass
- 肝痈 liver abscess
- 肝厥病 liver syncope
- 肝衰病 liver failure disease
- 胆瘅 gallbladder heat
- 胆胀病 gallbladder distension
- 胆疸 gallbladder jaundice
- 胆石病 gallbladder stone
- 胆蛔病 gallbladder ascariasis
- 臌胀病 tympanites
- 脾系病 category of spleen system disease
- 呃逆病 hiccup disease
- 反胃病 regurgitation disease
- 噎膈病 dysphagia disease
- 卒腹痛 sudden abdominal pain
- 腹胀病 abdominal distension disease
- 便秘病 constipation disease
- 泄泻病 diarrhea disease
- 类霍乱 paracholera
- 食亦 emaciation due to improper food
- 厌食病 anorexia disease
- 伤食病 food damage disease
- 饥疝 hunger hernia
- 谷劳 cereal consumptive disease
- 胃络痛 stomach collateral pain
- 胃痞病 stomach stuffiness disease
- 胃胀病 stomach distension disease
- 胃缓 stomach prolapse
- 胃疡 stomach ulcer
- 胃痈 stomach abscess
- 胃饮 stomach fluid retention
- 胃石病 stomach stone disease
- 胃瘅 stomach heat
- 脾胀 spleen distension
- 酒癖 alcoholophilia
- 脾瘅 spleen heat disease
- 脾水 spleen edema
- 脾消 spleen flaccidity
- 膈疝 diaphragm hernia
- 食管瘅 esophagus heat disease
- 食管痹 esophagus impediment
- 胰胀 pancreas distension
- 胰瘅 pancreas heat disease
- 胰痈 pancreas abscess
- 肠郁 intestinal stagnation
- 肠痹 intestinal impediment
- 肠结 intestinal binding
- 肠痈 intestinal abscess
- 小肠瘅 small intestinal heat disease
- 萎黄病 chloranemia
- 肺系病 category of lung system disease
- 咳嗽病 cough disease
- 肺咳 lung cough
- 肺瘅 lung heat disease
- 哮喘病 asthma disease
- 干胁痛 dry hypochondriac pain
- 肺痿 lung wilting
- 肺痹 lung impediment
- 肺痈 lung abscess
- 肺胀 lung distension
- 肺络张 lung collateral dilation
- 尘肺 pneumoconiosis
- 肺心病 lung heart disease
- 肺水病 lung edema disease
- 肺厥病 lung syncope disease
- 肺衰病 lung failure disease
- 肾系病 category of kidney system disease
- 淋证 stranguria
- 精癃 urethral block
- 遗尿病 enuresis disease
- 小便不禁 incontinence of urine
- 尿崩 flooding urination
- 癃闭 dribbing urinary block
- 肾水病 kidney edema
- 关格 obstruction and rejection
- 肾瘅 kidney heat disease
- 肾痈 kidney abscess
- 肾垂 nephroptosis
- 肾厥 kidney syncope
- 肾衰病 kidney failure disease
- 强中病 priapism
- 缩阴病 retracted genital disease
- 尿道瘘 urethra fistula
- 心系病 category of heart system disease
- 情志病类术语 category of emotional diseases terminology
气血津液病类术语 category of Qi, blood and fluid diseases terminology
- 虚劳类病 category of consumptive disease
- 晕动病 motion sickness
- 厥脱类病 category of syncope and prostration
- 蓄血病 blood amassment disease
- 血溢类病 category of hemorrhagic disease
- 痰饮类病 category of phlegm fluid retention disease
- 水肿类病 category of disease with edema
- 汗类病 category of sweating disease
- 消渴类病 category of wasting and thirst disease
头身形体病类术语 category of head and body diseases terminology
- 颅脑类病 category of cranial disease
- 瘿类病 goitered carbuncle
- 乳房类病 category of breast disease
- 胁肋痛 hypochondiac and costal pain
- 疝气类病 hernia
- 痹证类病 category of impediment disease
- 风寒湿痹 wind-cold-dampness impediment
- 热痹 heat impediment
- 尪痹 arthral impediment
- 肢痹 limb impediment
- 皮痹 skin impediment
- 肌痹 muscle impediment
- 筋痹 sinew impediment
- 脉痹 vessel impediment
- 骨痹 bone impediment
- 脊痹 spine impediment
- 血痹 blood impediment
- 偏痹 hemilateral impediment
- 周痹 general impediment
- 顽痹 obstinate impediment
- 历节风 multiple arthralgia
- 鹤膝风 crane knee phlegm
- 腰痹 lumbar impediment
- 大偻 dyphosis
- 膝痹 knee impediment
- 腿风 restless legs syndrome
- 足跟痹 heel impediment
- 转筋 muscle cramp
- 痛风 gout
- 燥痹 dry impediment
- 痿证类病 category of wilting disease
- 脚气病 beriberi
- 干燥病 xerosis
- 侏儒 dwarfism
- 肥胖病 obesity
- 糙皮病 pellagra
皮肤黏膜病类术语 category of skin and membrane diseases terminology
- 皮肤类病 category of skin disease
- 热疮 heat sore
- 蛇串疮 snake-clustered sores
- 黄水疮 impetigo
- 疣病 wart
- 癣 tinea
- 摄领疮 neurodermatitis
- 湿疮 dampness sore
- 汗淅疮 erythema intertrigo
- 瘾疹 urticaria
- 风瘙痒 pruritus cutis
- 顽湿聚结 accumulation of obstinate dampness
- 血风疮 pruritic dermatosis
- 蛇皮癣 ichthyosis
- 风热疮 pityriasis rosea
- 白疕 psoriasis
- 油风 alopecia areata
- 发蛀脱发 atrophic alopecia
- 白屑风 seborrheic dermatitis
- 面游风 facial seborrheic eczema
- 粉刺 pimple
- 酒齄鼻 rosacea
- 雀斑 freckle
- 黧黑斑 chloasma
- 粉花疮 acne vulgaris
- 日晒疮 solar dermatitis
- 水渍疮 paddy-field dermatitis
- 火斑疮 erythema caloricum
- 溻皮疮 infantile exfoliative dermatitis
- 痱癳 prickly heat
- 紫癜风 tinea versicolor
- 天疱疮 lingering pemphigus
- 类天疱疮 bullous pemphigoid
- 火赤疮 itching pemphigus
- 松皮癣 pine-bark psoriasis
- 猫眼疮 cat-eye sore
- 瓜藤缠 melon-vine vasculitis nodularis
- 红蝴蝶疮 red-butterfly lupus erythematosus
- 蝶疮流注 butterfly multiple abscess
- 流皮漏 cutaneous necrotic ulceration
- 白驳风 vitiligo
- 乌白癞 black and white dermatosis
- 蝣蜒疮 earthworm herpes
- 蟹足肿 claw keloid
- 登豆疮 corn-clustered sore
- 狐惑 erosion of throat, anus and genitalia
- 鸡眼 corn
- 胼胝 callosity
- 手足逆胪 agnail
- 手足皲裂 skin rhagades
- 狐臭 armpit odor
- 漆疮 lacquer sore
- 药疹 drug rash
- 膏药风 plaster dermatitis
- 虱病 pediculosis
- 疥疮 scabies
- 丹毒 erysipelas
- 大脚风 swollen foot wind wilting
- 疮疡类病 category of carbuncle and ulceration disease
- 疖 furuncle
- 疔疮 boil and sore
- 痈 carbuncle
- 颏痈 chin carbuncle
- 颧痈 cheek carbuncle
- 托腮痈 parotid gland region carbuncle
- 颊车痈 buccal carbuncle
- 臂痈 arm carbuncle
- 冬瓜串 wax gourd clustered carbuncle
- 肘痈 elbow carbuncle
- 腕痈 wrist carbuncle
- 丫痈 finger web carbuncle
- 胁痈 rib-side carbuncle
- 脐痈 umbilical carbuncle
- 腹皮痈 abdominal skin carbuncle
- 中脘痈 middle gastric carbuncle
- 冲疽 rushing carbuncle
- 吓痈 threatening carbuncle
- 幽痈 secluded carbuncle
- 腰带痈 perilumbar carbuncle
- 悬痈 vulva carbuncle
- 股疽 medial-lateral thigh gangrene
- 伏兔疽 anterior thigh gangrene
- 膝痈 patellar carbuncle
- 膝弯痈 popliteal carbuncle
- 黄瓜痈 cucumber-like carbuncle
- 颈痈 cervical carbuncle
- 腋痈 axillary abscess
- 胯腹痈 inguinal-abdominal carbuncle
- 痰毒 phlegm toxin
- 发 pyogenic carbuncle
- 疽 gangrene
- 流注 multiple abscess
- 发颐 acute suppurative parotitis
- 无名肿毒 innominate swelling pain
- 痰核 phlegm nodule
- 臖核 chronic lymphadenitis
- 瘰疬 scrofula
- 臁疮 ecthyma
- 甲疽 toe nail gangrene
- 脱疽 toe or finger gangrene
- 股肿 swelling of lower limbs
- 青蛇毒 blue-snake sore
- 青筋腿 legs with varicosis
- 瘘病 fistula disease
- 褥疮 bed sore
- 类丹毒 erysipeloid
- 溃疡 ulcer
- 肛肠类病 category of anal and intestinal disease
- 皮肤类病 category of skin disease
生殖病类术语 category of reproductive diseases terminology
- 男性生殖病 category of male reproductive disease
- 女性生殖病 category of female genital disease
- 女性前阴类病 category of female external genital disease
- 月经类病 category of menstrual disease
- 月经先期 advanced menstruation
- 月经后期 delayed menstruation
- 月经先后无定期 irregular menstrual cycle
- 月经过多 profuse menstruation
- 月经过少 scanty menstruation
- 经期延长 prolonged menstruation
- 闭经 amenorrhea
- 痛经 dysmenorrhea
- 崩漏 metrostaxis and metrorrhagia -2
- 经间期出血 hemorrhage during menstruation
- 月经前后诸病 various diseases before and after menstruation - 13
- 绝经前后诸症 premenopausal and postmenopausal syndrome
- 经断复行 recommencement of menorrhea after menopause
- 胎孕类病 category of pregnancy disease
- 异位妊娠 heterotopic pregnancy
- 鬼胎 hydatidiform mole
- 恶阻 morning sickness
- 胞阻 abdominal pain during pregnancy
- 胎气病 fetal qi disease
- 胎动不安 excessive movement of fetus
- 胎漏 vaginal bleeding during pregnancy
- 胎水过少 hypamnion
- 胎水过多 polyhydramnion
- 暗产 early abortion
- 堕胎 abortion
- 小产 miscarriage
- 早产 premature labor
- 滑胎 habitual abortion
- 死胎 dead fetus
- 胎萎不长 retarded growth of fetus
- 胎死不下 retention of dead fetus
- 过期不产 post-term pregnancy
- 子满 polyhydramnios
- 子肿 edema during pregnancy
- 子眩 dizziness during pregnancy
- 子痫 eclampsia
- 子悬 chest fullness during pregnancy
- 子烦 dysphoria during pregnancy
- 子瘖 aphonia during pregnancy
- 子嗽 cough during pregnancy
- 子淋 stranguria during pregnancy
- 妊娠转胞 bladder colic during pregnancy
- 妊娠瘙痒症 pruritus during pregnancy
- 孕痈 intestinal abscess during pregnancy
- 妊娠下肢抽筋 lower limb cramp in pregnancy
- 妊娠风疹 rubella during pregnancy
- 妊娠疱疹 herpes during pregnancy
- 妊娠偏头痛 migraine during pregnancy
- 妊娠贫血 anemia during pregnancy
- 妊娠紫癜 purpura during pregnancy
- 妊娠消渴 consumptive-thirst disease during pregnancy
- 产科类病 category of obstetrical disease
- 产后类病 puerperal disease
- 产后产门不闭 postpartum openness of uterusostium
- 产后子宫脱垂 postpartum uterine prolapse
- 产后发热 postpartum fever - 1
- 产后血晕 postpartum faint due to hemorrhage
- 产后血崩 postpartum metrorrhagia - 2
- 产后恶露不下 postpartum lochiostasis
- 产后恶露不绝 postpartum lochiorrhea
- 产后恶血冲心 postpartum lochia ramming the heart
- 产后恶血冲胃 postpartum lochia ramming the stomach
- 产后恶血冲肺 postpartum lochia ramming the lung
- 产后痉病 postpartum convulsion
- 产后腹痛 postpartum abdominal pain
- 产后大便难 postpartum dyschezia
- 产后小便不通 postpartum retention of urine
- 产后小便频数 postpartum frequent urination
- 产后小便失禁 postpartum incontinence of urine
- 产后小便淋痛 postpartum stranguria
- 产后郁病 puerperal depression
- 产后尿血 postpartum bloody urine
- 产后汗病 postpartum sweating disease - 2
- 产褥中暑 postpartum heatstroke
- 产后缺乳 postpartum hypogalactia
- 产后乳汁自出 postpartum spontaneous lactation
- 产后瘖 postpartum hoarseness
- 产后身痛 postpartum unilateral pain
- 产后遗粪 postpartum incontinence of stool
- 交肠病 recto-urethral fistula
- 带下类病 category of leukorrheal disease
- 女性杂病 female miscellaneous disease
- 房事病 venereal disease
小儿相关病类术语 category of pediatric diseases terminology
- 新生儿类病 category of newborn disease
- 初生不啼 neonatal asphyxia
- 初生不乳 inability of the neonate to suck milk
- 初生儿呕吐 neonatal vomiting
- 初生儿泄泻 neonatal diarrhea
- 初生大便不通 neonatal retention of feces
- 初生小便不通 neonatal retention of urine
- 初生儿喘促 neonatal panting
- 鹅口疮 thrush
- 胎怯 congenital feebleness
- 五硬 five kinds of stiffness
- 胎黄 fetal jaundice
- 脐风 neonatal tetanus
- 脐湿 umbilical dampness
- 初生儿脐疮 neonatal umbilical sore
- 脐血 umbilical bleeding
- 脐突 umbilical hernia
- 小儿时令类病 seasonal epidemic diseases in pediatrics
- 小儿温疫类病 infantile pestilence
- 小儿杂病 category of miscellaneous disease in pediatrics
- 小儿咳嗽 infantile cough
- 肺风痰喘 dyspnea with phlegm due to lung wind
- 小儿哮喘 infantile asthma
- 小儿惊风 infantile convulsion
- 小儿痫病 infantile epileptic disease
- 小儿抽动症 tourette syndrome
- 小儿多动症 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- 客忤 fright seizure
- 夜啼 night crying
- 小儿自闭症 infantile autism
- 小儿痴呆 infantile dementia
- 滞颐 infantile slobbering
- 疳病 infantile malnutrition disease
- 积滞 retention of food
- 小儿厌食 infantile anorexia
- 小儿异食 infantile paroxia
- 小儿呕吐 infantile vomiting
- 小儿泄泻 infantile diarrhea
- 小儿腹痛 infantile abdominal pain
- 小儿痿病 infantile wilting disease
- 小儿脱肛 infantile anal prolapse
- 小儿尿频 infantile frequent urination
- 小儿遗尿 infantile enuresis
- 小儿水肿病 infantile edema
- 小儿性早熟 precocious puberty
- 小儿汗病 infantile sweating disease
- 小儿紫癜 infantile purpura
- 小儿口疮 infantile aphtha
- 小儿乳蛾 infantile tonsillitis
- 小儿湮尻疮 diaper dermatitis
- 小儿赤游丹 wandering erysipelas
- 奶癣 infantile eczema
- 佝偻病 rickets
- 小儿鸡胸 infantile pigeon chest
- 小儿龟背 infantile kyphosis
- 解颅 non-closure of fontanel
- 五迟 five kinds of retardation
- 五软 five kinds of flaccidity
- 呆小病 cretinism
- 小儿肥胖 childhood obesity
- 唐氏综合症 Down syndrome
- 新生儿类病 category of newborn disease
眼病类术语 category of eye disease terminology
- 外障类病 exogenous ocular diseases
- 胞睑病 palpebral disorder
- 针眼 stye
- 眼丹 reddened eyelid
- 胞生痰核 phlegm node in the eyelid
- 椒疮 tracoma
- 粟疮 millet-shaped follicle
- 睑弦赤烂 marginal blepharitis - 3
- 风赤疮痍 wind red sore
- 胞肿如桃 peach-like swelling of the eyelid
- 胞虚如球 ball-like edema of the eyelid
- 上胞下垂 blepharoptosis
- 胞轮振跳 twitching of eyelid
- 目劄 morbid blinking
- 粟子疾 blepharal stone
- 鸡冠蚬肉 crest-like or clam-form blepharal neoplasm
- 倒睫拳毛 trichiasis
- 胞睑外翻 ectropion of eyelid
- 睥翻粘睑 ectropion and adhesion of eyelid
- 睥肉粘轮 adhesion of eyelid with sclera
- 目眦病 canthus disorder
- 白睛病 diseases of conjunctiva
- 暴风客热 sudden wind and heat attack of eyes
- 天行赤眼 epidemic conjunctivitis
- 天行赤眼暴翳 acute conjunctivitis with nebula
- 金疳 phlyctenular conjunctivitis
- 火疳 acute scleritis
- 白睛青蓝 bluish coloration of conjunctiva
- 白睛溢血 subconjunctival hemorrhage
- 白涩症 xerosis conjunctivae
- 时复目痒 itching of eye
- 赤丝虬脉 hyperemia of ocular conjunctiva
- 黄油障 pinguecula
- 鱼子石榴 roe-form or pomegranate-like neoplasm
- 黑睛病 category of diseases of cornea
- 聚星障 superficial punctate keratitis
- 银星独见 star-shaped nebula
- 偃月侵睛 downbearing thin nebula
- 花翳白陷 keratomalacia
- 凝脂翳 purulent keratitis
- 黄液上冲 hypopyon
- 旋螺尖起 snail-shaped nebula
- 黑翳如珠 blackish iridoptosis
- 蟹睛病 iridoptosis
- 黑睛正漏 corneal fistula
- 混睛障 interstitial keratitis
- 风轮赤豆 phlyctnular keratitis
- 白膜侵睛 invasion of white membrane into conjunctiva
- 赤膜下垂 drooping pannus
- 血翳包睛 keratic pannus
- 睛黄视渺 yellowish eyes with blurred vision
- 宿翳 nebula
- 神水将枯 exhaustion of aqueous humor
- 胞睑病 palpebral disorder
- 内障类病 category of endogenous ocular diseases
- 眼外伤类病 category of traumatic ocular diseases
- 眼科杂病 category of other diseases in ophthalmology
- 眉棱骨痛 pain of supraorbital bone
- 雷头风内障 headache with tinnitus
- 疳积上目 infantile malnutrition affecting the eyes
- 目偏视 strabismus
- 突起睛高 sudden protrusion of the eyeball
- 辘轳转关 nystagmus
- 鹘眼凝睛 fixed protrusion of the eyes
- 雀目 night blindness
- 视物异色 color blindness
- 通睛 convergent squint
- 目倦 asthenopia
- 视歧 ambiopia
- 目闭不开 inability to open eyes
- 逆经赤肿 redness and swelling of eyes due to reverse menorrhea
- 近视 myopia
- 远视 hyperopia
- 老视 presbyopia
- 外障类病 exogenous ocular diseases
耳病类术语 category of ear diseases terminology
- 耳疖 furuncle of external auditory meatus
- 耳疮 ear sore
- 断耳疮 pyogenic auricular perichondritis
- 耳廓痰包 phlegmatic cyst of auricle
- 耳胀 ear distention
- 耳闭 blocked ear
- 脓耳 otopyorrhea
- 耳瘘 ear fistula
- 耳眩晕 auditory vertigo
- 耵耳 impacted cerumen
- 异物入耳 accidental invasion of foreign body into ear
- 暴聋 sudden deafness
- 久聋 prolonged deafness
- 聋哑 deafness and dumbness
- 鼻病类术语 category of nasal diseases terminology
- 咽喉病类术语 category of throat diseases terminology
口齿病类术语 category of diseases of mouth and teeth
- 龋齿 dental caries
- 牙痈 gingival abscess
- 牙咬痈 pericoronitis of wisdom tooth
- 牙宣 gingival atrophy
- 牙漏 gingival fistula
- 齿槽风 maxillary osteomyelitis
- 牙疳 ulcerative gingivitis
- 走马牙疳 acute gangrenous stomatitis
- 口疳 oral ulcer
- 口糜 oral erosion (aphtha)
- 唇湿 lip eczema
- 唇风 exfoliating cheilitis
- 唇裂 chapped lips
- 茧唇 carcinoma of lips
- 涎石 sialolithiasis
- 口舌痰包 phlegmatic cyst in the mouth and tongue
- 舌痈 tongue abscess
- 重舌 sublingual cyst
- 木舌 rigid swollen tongue
- 结舌 ankyloglossia
瘤癌病类术语 category of tumor and cancer terminology
- 积聚类病 category of abdominal mass accumulation diseases
- 瘤类病 category of tumor diseases
- 气瘤 qi tumor
- 血瘤 blood tumor
- 血痣 vascular nevus
- 肉瘤 fleshy tumor
- 筋瘤 sinew tumor
- 胶瘤 slippery tumor
- 脂瘤 atheroma
- 发瘤 follicular tumor
- 脑瘤 brain tumor
- 眼瘤 tumor in ophthalmology
- 鼻息肉 nasal polyp
- 鼻血瘤 nasal blood tumor
- 耳痔 ear pile
- 喉息肉 laryngeal polyp
- 喉瘤 laryngeal tumor
- 气管肿瘤 trachea tumor
- 纵膈肿瘤 mediastinal tumor
- 心脏肿瘤 heart tumor
- 肝瘤 liver tumor
- 胆道肿瘤 billiary tract tumor
- 肠瘤 intestinal tumor
- 石瘕 stony uterine mass
- 肠覃 ovarian cyst
- 阴户囊肿 vaginal cyst
- 宫颈息肉 cervical polyp
- 骨瘤 osteoma
- 癌类病 category of cancer
- 皮肤癌 skin cancer
- 翻花疮 proliferative sore
- 石疽 stony nodule
- 恶核 malignant lump
- 失荣 cervical malignancy with cachexia
- 骨髓癌 marrow cancer
- 眼科癌病 cancer in ophthalmology
- 耳菌 ear carcinoma
- 鼻岩 nasal carcinoma
- 颃颡岩 nasopharyngeal carcinoma
- 咽喉菌 throat carcinoma
- 牙岩 gingival carcinoma
- 唇岩 lips carcinoma
- 舌岩 tongue carcinoma
- 腮岩 chin carcinoma
- 石瘿 stony goiter
- 食管癌 esophagus cancer
- 乳疳 erosive mammary ulceration
- 乳癌 breast cancer
- 肺癌 lung cancer
- 胃癌 stomach cancer
- 肝癌 liver cancer
- 胆癌 gallbladder cancer
- 胰癌 pancreas cancer
- 肾癌 kidney cancer
- 膀胱癌 bladder cancer
- 尿道癌 urethra cancer
- 肠癌 intestinal cancer
- 锁肛痔 anorectal carcinoma
- 子岩 testiculus cancer
- 肾岩翻花 carcinoma of penis
- 外阴癌 vulva cancer
- 阴道癌 vaginal cancer
- 宫颈癌 cervical carcinoma
- 子宫内膜癌 carcinoma of endometrium
- 输卵管癌 carcinoma of fallopian tube
- 卵巢恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor of ovary
- 儿科癌病 pediatric cancer
临时诊断用术语 category of temporary diagnostic terminology
- 发热 fever
- 抽搐 spasm
- 谵语 delirious speech
- 郑声 fading murmuring
- 错语 paraphasia
- 头痛 headache
- 眩晕 vertigo
- 晕厥 syncope
- 昏迷 unconsciousness
- 烦躁 dysphoria
- 失眠 sleeplessness
- 健忘 amnesia
- 嗜睡 drowsiness
- 目盲 blindness
- 耳鸣 tinnitus
- 耳聋 deafness
- 鼻衄 epistaxis
- 牙痛 toothache
- 齿衄 gingival hemorrhage
- 失音 aphonia
- 咯血 hemoptysis
- 咳嗽 cough
- 气喘 panting
- 咳血 expectoration of blood
- 胸痛 chest pain
- 心悸 palpitation
- 心痛 heart pain
- 呕吐 vomiting
- 呕血 hematemesis
- 胃痛 epigastralgia
- 脘痞 gastric stuffiness
- 嘈杂 epigastric upset
- 胁痛 hypochondriac pain
- 黄疸 jaundice
- 吐酸 acid regurgitation
- 腹痛 abdominal pain
- 腹胀 abdominal distension and fullness
- 腹泻 diarrhea
- 腹水 abdominal retention of water
- 便秘 constipation
- 便血 hematochezia
- 腰痛 lumbago
- 尿血 bloody urine
- 尿浊 turbid urine
- 水肿 edema
- 关节痛 arthralgia
- 瘫痪 paralysis
- 震颤 tremor
- 紫斑 purplish macula
- 出疹 eruption
- 瘙痒 cutaneous pruitus
- 参考文献
在第三届国际传统医药大会上,中国中医研究院医史文献研究所朱建平研究员就中医术语的规范化进行了简短发言。会后,记者与朱研究员就中医术语规范化的相关问题进行了探讨,并将他的观点整理成文,希望引起广大读者对 …… [全文]
1月7日,国内第一部指导中医肿瘤临床诊疗技术的规范性文件——《肿瘤中医诊疗指南》在京发布。该《指南》由国家中医药管理局立项,中华中医药学会组织,中华中医药学会肿瘤分会负责编制。 据了解,《肿瘤中医诊 …… [全文]
标题:中药治疗前列腺肥大引起的尿潴留 出处:上海中医药杂志1980年第2期 标题:《金匮》论淋对临床的指导 出处:上海中医药学会《金匮》论文汇编1986年 标题:复方蜀羊泉合剂防治胃癌癌前期病 …… [全文]
特发性突聋又名突发性聋,是指短时间内迅速发生的、原因不明的、明显的感音神经性聋。患者听力损失可在数分钟或数小时内达到高峰,或可伴有耳鸣及眩晕。本病春秋季节易发,多见单耳发病,发病年龄多在40~60岁之 …… [全文]
癫痫是一种由于脑功能异常所导致的慢性疾病,临床表现为反复发作的惊厥。发作是脑内神经元群过度放电而引起的阵发性脑功能障碍,因放电部位与范围不同而表现症状不同。发作范围可为部分性或全身性;发作形式可为一过 …… [全文]
中医药学在长期临床实践中积累了丰富的防治时行感冒的经验。在梳理文献、总结名老中医和前期中医药防治甲型H1N1流感经验的基础上,针对甲型H1N1流感的特点,根据中医“正气存内,邪不可干”原则,制订本方案 …… [全文]
急性播散性脑脊髓炎(感染后脑脊髓炎) 是一类较少见的由炎症导致的脱髓鞘疾病。一般发生于病毒感染或接种后(见第78节),是由病毒诱发的对靶抗原的错误识别所引起。与之相似的周围神经病变是格林-巴利综合征( …… [全文]
卫生部、国家中医药管理局推出新修订 《传染性非典型肺炎诊疗方案》 2003年10月17日 为了进一步指导传染性非典型肺炎的预防、救治工作,卫生部、国家中医药管理局日前推出新修订的《传染性 …… [全文]
1.成人多囊肝病 成人多囊肝病是一种多囊肝伴肾、胰囊肿的显性遗传性疾病,肝囊肿源于门管区肝内胆管发育障碍而致囊状扩张,主要表现为腹痛和腹胀。只有当病人发生肝功能衰竭或肾功能衰竭时,才考虑行肝移植术,这 …… [全文]
慢性结膜炎是由各种原因引起的结膜慢性炎症。为眼科常见病,其病因复杂,病情迁延,常双眼发病,无季节性,视力不受影响。 本病属中医学“白涩症”范畴,又名干涩昏花症,部分病例还可归于“赤丝虬脉”症。 一 …… [全文]