中医临床诊疗术语 第2部分:证候
Clinic terminology of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment
—Part 2:syndromes/patterns
《中医临床诊疗术语第2部分:证候》(修订版) 目录
共 [793] 篇
- 前言
- 范围
八纲证候类术语 category of eight principles syndromes/patterns terminology
- 阴证 yin syndrome/pattern
- 阳证 yang syndrome/pattern
- 表证 external syndrome/pattern
- 里证 internal syndrome/pattern
- 寒证 cold syndrome/pattern
- 热证 heat syndrome/pattern
- 虚证 deficiency syndrome/pattern
- 实证 excess syndrome/pattern
- 虚实夹杂证 syndrome/pattern of deficiency and excess complex
- 寒热错杂证 syndrome/pattern of cold and heat complex
- 表寒里热证 syndrome/pattern of exterior cold and interior heat
- 表热里寒证 syndrome/pattern of exterior heat and interior cold
- 外寒里热证 syndrome/pattern of external cold and internal heat
- 外热里寒证 syndrome/pattern of external heat and internal cold
- 上热下寒证 syndrome/pattern of heat in the upper and cold in the lower
- 上寒下热证 syndrome/pattern of cold in the upper and heat in the lower
病因证候类术语 category of syndromes/patterns related to disease causes
- 邪证类 category of pathogenic factor syndrome/pattern
- 正邪相搏证 syndrome/pattern of mixed healthy qi and pathogenic factors
- 外邪侵入证 syndrome/pattern of external pathogenic factor intrusion
- 邪袭卫表证 syndrome/pattern of pathogen attacking the defense-exterior
- 邪伏膜原证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors hidden in the pleurodiaphragmatic interspace
- 邪犯少腹证 syndrome/pattern of pathogen invading the lateral sides of the lower abdomen -5
- 邪在肺卫证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors in the lung and defense phase
- 邪在气分证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors in the qi phase
- 邪在气营证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors in the qi and nutrient phases
- 邪在营分证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors in the nutrient phase
- 邪在营血证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors in the nutrient and blood phases
- 邪在血分证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors in the blood phase
- 邪入经络证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors entering into meridians and collaterals -4
- 邪犯脏腑证 syndrome/pattern of pathogen invading the viscera -10
- 邪犯清窍证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic factors invading upper orifices -1
- 风证类 category of wind syndromes/patterns
- 外风证 syndrome/pattern of external wind
- 内风证 syndrome/pattern of internal wind
- 风邪证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic wind
- 风寒证 syndrome/pattern of wind and cold
- 风寒外袭证 syndrome/pattern of wind and cold attacking the external -4
- 风寒上扰证 syndrome/pattern of wind and cold disturbing the upper orifices -4
- 风寒中络证 syndrome/pattern of wind and cold entering collaterals -2
- 风寒犯肺证 syndrome/pattern of wind and cold invading the lung -2
- 风寒犯胃证 syndrome/pattern of wind and cold invading the stomach
- 风寒兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of mixed wind and cold -3
- 风热证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat
- 风热外袭证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat attacking the external -8
- 风热上犯证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat invading the upper -5
- 风热中络证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat attacking collaterals
- 风热犯胃证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat invading the stomach
- 风热犯肺证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat invading the lung -2
- 风热犯心证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat invading the heart
- 风热乘脾证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat subjugating the spleen
- 风热兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of mixed wind and heat -10
- 风湿证 syndrome/pattern of wind and dampness
- 风水证 syndrome/pattern of wind and water
- 风燥证 syndrome/pattern of wind and dryness
- 风痰证 syndrome/pattern of wind and phlegm
- 风阳证 syndrome/pattern of wind yang
- 风火证 syndrome/pattern of wind and fire
- 风瘀证 syndrome/pattern of wind and blood stasis
- 寒证类 category of cold syndromes/patterns
- 暑证类 category of summer-heat syndromes/patterns
- 阳暑证 syndrome/pattern of yang summer-heat
- 阴暑证 syndrome/pattern of yin summer-heat
- 暑热证 syndrome/pattern of summer-heat
- 暑湿证 syndrome/pattern of summer-heat and dampness
- 暑湿袭表证 syndrome/pattern of summer and heat and dampness attacking the exterior -4
- 暑湿内伏证 syndrome/pattern of internal accumulation of summer-heat and dampness
- 暑湿犯肺证 syndrome/pattern of summer-heat and dampness invading the lung
- 暑湿热蕴证 syndrome/pattern of summer-heat and dampness with heat accumulation -4
- 暑湿弥漫三焦证 summer-heat and dampness prevailing triple energizer
- 湿证类 category of dampness syndromes/patterns
- 湿邪证 syndrome/pattern of exuberant pathogenic dampness
- 水气证 syndrome/pattern of water qi
- 水湿证 syndrome/pattern of water and dampness
- 湿热证 syndrome/pattern of dampness and heat
- 湿浊证 syndrome/pattern of dampness turbidity
- 湿浊阻滞证 syndrome/pattern of obstruction and stagnation of dampness-turbidity
- 湿浊内蕴证 syndrome/pattern of internal accumulation of dampness-turbidity
- 湿浊壅滞证 syndrome/pattern of accumulation and stagnation of dampness-turbidity
- 湿浊困阻证 syndrome/pattern of dampness-turbidity encumbrance and obstruction
- 湿浊蒙窍证 syndrome/pattern of dampness-turbidity clouding orifices
- 湿浊上泛证 syndrome/pattern of dampness-turbidity flooding in the upper
- 湿浊冲心证 syndrome/pattern of dampness-turbidity attacking heart
- 湿浊中阻证 syndrome/pattern of dampness obstructing the middle energizer
- 湿浊下注证 syndrome/pattern of dampness-turbidity pouring downward
- 湿浊内闭证 syndrome/pattern of internal blockage of dampness-turbidity
- 燥证类 category of dryness syndromes/patterns
- 外燥证 syndrome/pattern of external dryness
- 内燥证 syndrome/pattern of internal dryness
- 燥邪证 syndrome/pattern of dry pathogenic factors
- 外燥袭表证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic dryness attacking the exterior
- 燥干清窍证 syndrome/pattern of dryness harassing the upper orifices
- 燥邪犯肺证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic dryness invading the lung
- 燥邪伤阴证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic dryness consuming yin
- 燥伤真阴证 syndrome/pattern of dryness damaging genuine yin
- 凉燥证 syndrome/pattern of cool dryness
- 温燥证 syndrome/pattern of warm dryness
- 燥邪兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of concurrently mixed dryness and pathogenic factors
- 火证类 category of fire syndromes/patterns
- 实火证 syndrome/pattern of excess-fire
- 虚火证 syndrome/pattern of deficiency-fire
- 火热证 syndrome/pattern of fire and heat
- 邪热内扰证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic heat disturbing the interior -12
- 热在肺卫证 syndrome/pattern of heat in lung -2
- 热在气分证 syndrome/pattern of heat in the qi phase -10
- 热在营血证 syndrome/pattern of heat in the nutrient and blood phases -13
- 热盛伤阴证 syndrome/pattern of exuberant heat damaging yin -8
- 热邪留恋证 syndrome/pattern of pathogenic heat lingering inside -2
- 毒证类 category of toxin syndromes/patterns
- 毒邪证 syndrome/pattern of toxic pathogenic factors
- 风毒证 syndrome/pattern of wind toxin
- 寒毒证 syndrome/pattern of cold toxin
- 湿毒证 syndrome/pattern of dampness toxin
- 湿毒侵淫证 syndrome/pattern of intruding and spreading dampness toxin
- 湿毒蕴肤证 syndrome/pattern of dampness toxin retaining in the skin
- 湿毒蕴结证 syndrome/pattern of dampness toxin accumulation and binding
- 湿毒化火证 syndrome/pattern of dampness toxin transforming into fire
- 湿毒中阻证 syndrome/pattern of dampness toxin obstructing the middle
- 湿毒下注证 syndrome/pattern of dampness toxin pouring downward
- 水毒证 syndrome/pattern of water toxin
- 燥毒证 syndrome/pattern of dryness toxin
- 火毒证 syndrome/pattern of fire toxin
- 火毒外袭证 syndrome/pattern of fire toxin attacking the external -5
- 火热邪毒壅盛证 syndrome/pattern of congestion and exuberance of fire and heat and pathogenic toxin -10
- 火毒内攻证 syndrome/pattern of fire toxin attacking the internal -18
- 火毒上攻证 syndrome/pattern of fire toxin attacking the upper -8
- 火毒犯下证 syndrome/pattern of fire toxin invading the lower -3
- 火毒伤阴证 syndrome/pattern of fire toxin damaging yin -1
- 脓毒证 pus toxin syndrome/pattern
- 疫毒证 pestilent toxin syndromes/patterns
- 药毒证 syndrome/pattern of medicinal toxin
- 食毒证 syndrome/pattern of food poisoning
- 食毒伤胃证 syndrome/pattern of food toxin damaging the stomach
- 食毒蕴肤证 syndrome/pattern of food toxin retaining in skin
- 食毒痹阻经络证 syndrome/pattern of food toxin impeding and obstructing the meridians and collaterals
- 食毒伤胎证 syndrome/pattern of food toxin damaging fetus
- 食毒内陷证 syndrome/pattern of food toxin invagination
- 胎毒证 syndrome/pattern of fetal toxin
- 虫毒证 syndrome/pattern of worm toxin
- 蛇毒证 syndrome/pattern of snake toxin
- 痰饮证类 category of phlegm and fluid syndrome/pattern
- 痰气证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and qi
- 痰气互结证 syndrome/pattern of mutual binding of phlegm and qi
- 痰气郁结证 syndrome/pattern of stagnation and binding of phlegm and qi
- 痰阻气逆证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm block and counterflow of qi
- 痰气阻膈证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and qi obstructing the diaphragm
- 痰气凝结证 syndrome/pattern of congealing and binding of phlegm and qi
- 痰气壅实证 syndrome/pattern of congestion and excess of phlegm and qi
- 痰饮证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and fluid
- 痰湿证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and dampness
- 痰浊证 syndrome/pattern of turbid phlegm
- 痰热证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and heat
- 痰火证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and fire
- 痰毒证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and toxin
- 痰闭证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm block
- 痰瘀证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and stasis
- 痰食证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and food
- 痰气证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm and qi
- 瘀血证类 category of stasis syndrome/pattern
- 瘀血阻滞证 syndrome/pattern of blood stasis obstruction and stagnation
- 瘀血痹阻证 syndrome/pattern of impediment and obstruction due to blood stasis
- 瘀血内停证 syndrome/pattern of internal retention of blood stasis
- 瘀滞证 syndrome/pattern of stasis and stagnation -2
- 瘀阻经络证 syndrome/pattern of stasis obstructing meridians and collaterals -11
- 瘀阻上焦证 syndrome/pattern of stasis obstructing the upper energizer -9
- 瘀阻中焦证 syndrome/pattern of stasis obstructing the middle energizer -3
- 瘀阻下焦证 syndrome/pattern of stasis obstructing the lower energizer -3
- 瘀血兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of mixed blood stasis
- 瘀血阻滞证 syndrome/pattern of blood stasis obstruction and stagnation
- 情志证类 category of emotional changes syndromes/patterns
- 情志郁结证 syndrome/pattern of emotional stagnation
- 暴喜伤心证 syndrome/pattern of sudden flare of joy damaging the heart
- 怒动肝火证 syndrome/pattern of anger disturbing liver fire
- 忧思气郁证 syndrome/pattern of qi stagnation due to excessive anxiety and contemplation
- 悲忧伤气证 syndrome/pattern of grief and anxiety damaging qi
- 惊恐证 syndrome/pattern of fright and terror
- 惊恐气逆证 syndrome/pattern of counterflow of qi due to fright and terror
- 惊恐伤神证 syndrome/pattern of sudden fright and terror damaging spirit
- 惊恐伤肾证 syndrome/pattern of sudden fright and terror damaging the kidney
- 惊恐惊风证 syndrome/pattern of fright,terror and convulsion
- 惊恐痉厥证 syndrome/pattern of convulsion and syncope due to sudden fright and terror
- 饮食证类 category of improper diet syndromes/patterns
- 伤食证 syndrome/pattern of dyspepsia
- 饮食积滞证 syndrome/pattern of food retention due to dyspepsia
- 食积发热证 syndrome/pattern of food retention with fever
- 食积头痛证 syndrome/pattern of food retention and headache
- 食积胃痛证 syndrome/pattern of stomach pain due to dyspepsia
- 食滞胃热证 syndrome/pattern of food retention with stomach heat
- 食积腹痛证 syndrome/pattern of food retention and abdominal pain
- 宿食伤脾证 syndrome/pattern of retained food damaging the spleen
- 伤食吐血证 syndrome/pattern of dyspepsia and hematemesis
- 伤乳证 syndrome/pattern of milk dyspepsia
- 伤酒证 syndrome/pattern of damage due to excessive drinking of wine
- 伤酒发热证 syndrome/pattern of fever due to excessive drinking of wine
- 伤酒头痛证 syndrome/pattern of headache due to excessive drinking of wine
- 伤酒鼻衄证 syndrome/pattern of epistaxis due to excessive drinking of wine
- 伤酒呕血证 syndrome/pattern of haematemesis due to excessive drinking of wine
- 伤酒泄泻证 syndrome/pattern of diarrhea due to excessive drinking of wine
- 酒毒伤肝证 syndrome/pattern of alcohol toxin damaging the liver
- 酒毒伤神证 syndrome/pattern of alcohol toxin damaging spirit
- 伤食兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of simultaneous dyspepsia
- 伤食证 syndrome/pattern of dyspepsia
- 结石证类 category of stone syndromes/patterns
- 虫证类 category of worm syndromes/patterns
- 虫结证 syndrome/pattern of worm binding
- 虫积证 syndrome/pattern of worm accumulation
- 虫寄皮下证 syndrome/pattern of worms beneath skin
- 虫侵于脑证 syndrome/pattern of worm intruding the brain -2
- 虫邪犯肺证 syndrome/pattern of worm toxin invading the lung
- 虫扰胆膈证 syndrome/pattern of worm accumulation harassing the gallbladder and diaphragm
- 虫积肠道证 syndrome/pattern of worm accumulation in the intestinal tract [small intestine]
- 蛔结肠闭证 syndrome/pattern of intestinal block with roundworm binding
- 虫积化疳证 syndrome/pattern of worm accumulation transforming into malnutrition
- 虫扰魄门证 syndrome/pattern of worms harassing the anus
- 虫结兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of parasitic congestion and mixture
- 虫结证 syndrome/pattern of worm binding
- 外伤证类 category of traumatic injury syndromes/patterns
- 外伤血瘀证 syndrome/pattern of blood stasis due to traumatic injury
- 外伤皮肉证 syndrome/pattern of skin and muscle damage due to traumatic injury
- 外伤筋骨证 syndrome/pattern of damage and detriment of sinews and bones
- 外伤损目证 syndrome/pattern of external injury damaging the eyes
- 外伤损耳证 syndrome/pattern of external injury damaging the ears
- 外伤损鼻证 syndrome/pattern of external injury damaging the nose
- 外伤动胎证 syndrome/pattern of external injury affecting fetus
- 邪证类 category of pathogenic factor syndrome/pattern
- 气证类 category of qi syndromes/patterns
- 气机失调证 syndrome/pattern of disordered qi movement
- 气血失调证 syndrome/pattern of qi and blood disharmony
- 气虚证 syndrome/pattern of qi deficiency
- 气虚失充证 syndrome/pattern of feebleness due to qi deficiency -3
- 气虚不摄证 syndrome/pattern of qi failing to control due to deficiency -3
- 营卫不足证 syndrome/pattern of nutrient qi and defense qi insufficiency -2
- 中气亏虚证 syndrome/pattern of middle qi depletion -4
- 元气不足证 syndrome/pattern of primordial qi insufficiency -4
- 气虚兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of mixed qi deficiency -16
- 气血两虚证 syndrome/pattern of dual deficiency of qi and blood
- 气阴两虚证 syndrome/pattern of qi and yin deficiency
- 血证类 category of blood syndromes/patterns
- 血寒证 syndrome/pattern ofblood cold
- 血热证 syndrome/pattern of blood heat
- 血虚证 syndrome/pattern of blood deficiency
- 血虚亏损证 syndrome/pattern of loss due to blood deficiency
- 血虚失养证 syndrome/pattern of malnutrition due to blood deficiency -10
- 血虚阴亏证 syndrome/pattern of yin depletion due to blood deficiency -5
- 血枯证 syndrome/pattern of blood depletion -2
- 亡血证 syndrome/pattern of blood prostration
- 血虚兼夹证 syndrome/pattern of blood deficiency complex +13
- 血燥证 syndrome/pattern of blood dryness
- 血瘀证 syndrome/pattern of blood stasis
- 阴证类 category of yin syndromes/patterns
- 阳证类 category of yang syndromes/patterns
- 精髓证类 category of essence and marrow syndromes/patterns
- 津液证类 category of fluid and humor syndromes/patterns
- 气证类 category of qi syndromes/patterns
脏腑官窍证候类术语 category of syndromes/patterns involving zang-fu, sense organs and orifices terminology
- 心系证类 category of heart system syndromes/patterns
- 肝系证类 category of liver system syndromes/patterns
- 脾系证类 category of spleen system syndromes/patterns
- 肺系证类 category of lung system syndromes/patterns
- 肾系证类 category of kidney system syndromes/patterns
- 脏腑相兼证类 category of zang-organs and fu-organs syndrome/pattern
- 官窍证类 category of orifice syndrome/pattern
- 眼证类 category of ocular syndrome/pattern
- 耳证类 category of ear syndrome/pattern
- 鼻证类 category of nose syndrome/pattern
- 咽喉证类 category of throat syndromes/pattern
- 口唇舌证类 category of syndromes/patterns of mouth, lip and tongue
- 齿证类 category of gum syndrome/pattern
- 风热犯齿证 syndrome/pattern of wind and heat invading the teeth +1
- 火毒犯齿证 syndrome/pattern of fire toxin invading the teeth +2
- 湿热蒸齿证 syndrome/pattern of dampness and heat steaming the teeth
- 血瘀齿龈证 syndrome/pattern of blood stasis in the gum
- 气虚齿动证 syndrome/pattern of tooth looseness due to qi deficiency
- 血虚齿龈失养证 syndrome/pattern of gingival dystrophy due to blood deficiency
- 阴虚齿龈失养证 syndrome/pattern of gingival dystrophy due to yin deficiency +2
- 肾虚齿动证 syndrome/pattern of dental weakness due to kidney deficiency
- 乳房证类 category of breast syndrome/pattern
- 精室证类 category of essence chamber syndrome/pattern
- 胞宫证类 category of uterus syndrome/pattern
- 胞宫寒凝证 syndrome/pattern of cold congealing in the uterus
- 胞宫虚寒证 syndrome/pattern of uterine deficiency-cold
- 胞宫痰湿阻滞证 syndrome/pattern of phlegm-dampness obstruction in the uterus
- 胞宫湿热证 syndrome/pattern of uterine dampness and heat
- 胞宫血热证 syndrome/pattern of blood-heat in the uterus
- 胞宫瘀阻证 syndrome/pattern of uterine obstruction
经络证候类术语 category of meridians and collaterals syndromes/patterns terminology
- 经脉证 meridian syndrome/pattern
- 经气不利证 syndrome/pattern of inhibited flow of meridian qi
- 经脉瘀阻证 syndrome/pattern of obstruction in meridians and collateral
- 十二经证 syndromes/patterns of twelve meridians
- 手太阴肺经证 syndrome/pattern of lung meridian of hand-taiyin
- 手阳明大肠经证 syndrome/pattern of large intestine meridian of hand-yangming
- 足阳明胃经证 syndrome/pattern of stomach meridian of foot-yangming
- 足太阴脾经证 syndrome/pattern of spleen meridian of foot-taiyin
- 手少阴心经证 syndrome/pattern of heart meridian of hand-shaoyin
- 手太阳小肠经证 syndrome/pattern of small intestine meridian of hand-taiyang
- 足太阳膀胱经证 syndrome/pattern of bladder meridian of foot-taiyang
- 足少阴肾经证 syndrome/pattern of kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin
- 手厥阴心包经证 syndrome/pattern of pericardium meridian of hand-juejin
- 手少阳三焦经证 syndrome/pattern of triple energizer meridian of hand-shaoyang
- 足少阳胆经证 syndrome/pattern of gallbladder meridian of foot-shaoyang
- 足厥阴肝经证 syndrome/pattern of liver meridian of foot-jueyin
- 奇经证 eight extraordinary meridians syndromes/patterns
- 督脉证 syndrome/pattern of governor vessel +3
- 任脉证 syndrome/pattern of conception vessel +2
- 冲脉证 syndrome/pattern of thoroughfare vessel +4
- 维脉证 syndrome/pattern of link vessel syndromes/patterns +3
- 带脉证 syndrome/pattern of belt vessel +1
- 蹻脉证 syndrome/pattern of heel vessel +3
- 八脉兼证 syndrome/pattern of eight meridians complex +7
- 络脉证 collaterals syndromes/patterns
- 经脉证 meridian syndrome/pattern
六经证候类术语 category of syndromes/patterns of six meridians terminology
- 太阳证类 category of taiyang syndrome/pattern
- 阳明证类 category of yangming syndrome/pattern
- 少阳证类 category of shaoyang syndrome/pattern
- 太阴证类 category of taiyin syndrome/pattern
- 少阴证类 category of shaoyin syndrome/pattern
- 厥阴证类 category of jueyin syndrome/pattern
- 两感证类 category of two sensation syndrome/pattern
三焦证候类术语 category of triple energizer syndrome/pattern terminology
- 三焦实热证 syndrome/pattern of excess-heat in triple energizer
- 三焦湿热证 syndrome/pattern of dampness heat in the triple energizer
- 三焦壅塞证 syndrome/pattern of triple energizer congestion and obstruction
- 三焦虚寒证 syndrome/pattern of deficiency cold in triple energizer
- 上焦证类 category of upper energizer syndrome/pattern
- 中焦证类 category of middle energizer syndrome/pattern
- 下焦证类 category of lower energizer syndrome/pattern
- 下焦温热证 syndrome/pattern of warm heat in lower energizer
- 下焦热盛证 syndrome/pattern of exuberant heat in the lower energizer
- 下焦湿热证 syndrome/pattern of dampness and heat in the lower energizer
- 下焦虚冷证 syndrome/pattern of deficiency-cold in lower energizer
- 下焦蓄血证 syndrome/pattern of amassment of blood in lower energizer
- 卫气营血证候类术语 category of syndromes/patterns of defense, qi, nutrient and blood phases terminology
- 其他证候类术语 other category of syndromes/patterns terminology
期度类术语 category of stages terminology
- 期类 stages
- 初期 initial stage [first stage]
- 中期 intermediate stage [second stage]
- 后期 late stage [third stage]
- 晚期 advanced stage
- 发作期 stage of attack
- 缓解期 stage of remission
- 恢复期 stage of convalescence
- 疹前期 stage before eruption
- 见形期 stage of initial eruption
- 出疹期 stage of full eruption
- 疹回期 stage of eruption disappearance
- 收没期 late stage of eruptive disease
- 进行期 stage of progress
- 退行期 stage of retrogress
- 成痈期 stage of carbuncle formation
- 酿脓期 stage of pus brewage
- 成脓期 stage of suppuration
- 溃脓期 stage of diabrosis
- 溃后期 stage after diabrosis
- 收口期 stage of healing
- 未破损期 stage without rupture and damage
- 已破损期 stage of rupture and damage
- 度类 grades
- 期类 stages
- 参考文献
在第三届国际传统医药大会上,中国中医研究院医史文献研究所朱建平研究员就中医术语的规范化进行了简短发言。会后,记者与朱研究员就中医术语规范化的相关问题进行了探讨,并将他的观点整理成文,希望引起广大读者对 …… [全文]
特发性突聋又名突发性聋,是指短时间内迅速发生的、原因不明的、明显的感音神经性聋。患者听力损失可在数分钟或数小时内达到高峰,或可伴有耳鸣及眩晕。本病春秋季节易发,多见单耳发病,发病年龄多在40~60岁之 …… [全文]
1月7日,国内第一部指导中医肿瘤临床诊疗技术的规范性文件——《肿瘤中医诊疗指南》在京发布。该《指南》由国家中医药管理局立项,中华中医药学会组织,中华中医药学会肿瘤分会负责编制。 据了解,《肿瘤中医诊 …… [全文]
标题:中药治疗前列腺肥大引起的尿潴留 出处:上海中医药杂志1980年第2期 标题:《金匮》论淋对临床的指导 出处:上海中医药学会《金匮》论文汇编1986年 标题:复方蜀羊泉合剂防治胃癌癌前期病 …… [全文]
颈椎病亦称颈部综合征,是指颈椎间盘退行性变,及其继发性椎间关节退行性变所致脊髓、神经、血管损害而表现的相应症状和体征。 常规治疗 1.理筋手法 患者低坐位,术者站于患者背后,以滚、揉、点压、拿捏 …… [全文]
过敏性紫癜为一种临床上常见的血管病态反应性疾病,因机体对某些致敏物质发生变态反应,导致毛细血管脆性及通透性增加,血液外溢,以皮肤、黏膜及某些器官出血为主,可伴有血管神经性水肿、荨麻疹等其他过敏表现。 …… [全文]
癫痫是一种由于脑功能异常所导致的慢性疾病,临床表现为反复发作的惊厥。发作是脑内神经元群过度放电而引起的阵发性脑功能障碍,因放电部位与范围不同而表现症状不同。发作范围可为部分性或全身性;发作形式可为一过 …… [全文]
麻疹是由麻疹病毒引起的急性呼吸道传染病,临床以发热、上呼吸道炎症、麻疹黏膜斑及全身斑丘疹为特征。本病传染性强,多流行于冬春季节。自麻疹减毒活疫苗应用以来,发病年龄推迟,其发病率与死亡率均大幅度下降。目 …… [全文]
卫生部、国家中医药管理局推出新修订 《传染性非典型肺炎诊疗方案》 2003年10月17日 为了进一步指导传染性非典型肺炎的预防、救治工作,卫生部、国家中医药管理局日前推出新修订的《传染性 …… [全文]
小儿惊厥是脑功能暂时紊乱导致神经元导常放电所致,为儿科常见症。一般以1~5岁小儿为多见。临床表现现为突然意识丧失,全身痉挛性或强直性、限局性抽搐,发作时间过久,可因缺氧引起脑组织不可逆性损害。中医学称 …… [全文]