中医临床诊疗术语 第3部分:治法
Clinic terminology of traditional Chinese medical diagnosis and treatment
—Part 3: therapeutic methods
《中医临床诊疗术语第3部分:治法》(修订版) 目录
共 [753] 篇
- 前言
- 范围
治则类术语 therapeutic principles terminology
- 治未病法 therapy for preventive treatment of disease
- 急则治标 treating the tip in acute disease
- 缓则治本 treating the root in chronic disease
- 标本兼治 treating both the tip and root
- 因时制宜 treatment in accordance with seasons
- 因地制宜 treatment in accordance with local conditions
- 因人制宜 treatment in accordance with individuality
- 扶正祛邪 reinforcing healthy qi and eliminating pathogenic factors
- 扶正固本 reinforcing healthy qi and securing the root
- 祛邪扶正 eliminating pathogenic factors and reinforcing healthy qi
- 攻补兼施 treating with both elimination and reinforcement
- 正治法 routine therapy
- 反治法 paradoxical treatment
- 调理阴阳 regulating yin and yang
- 虚者补其母 nourishing the mother-organ in dealing with deficiency syndrome/patterns
- 实者泻其子 purging the child-organ in dealing with excess syndrome/patterns
治法类术语 curative methods terminology
- 解表法 therapy for relieving external syndrome/patterns
- 表里双解法 therapy for releasing both the internal and external
- 涌吐法 inducing vomiting therapy
- 攻下法 purgation therapy
- 和解法 harmonizing and releasing therapy
- 和解表里 harmonizing and releasing the external and internal
- 寒温并用 application of both warming and clearing therapies
- 调和气血 regulating and harmonizing qi and blood
- 调和肝脾 regulating and harmonizing the liver and spleen
- 疏肝和胃 soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach
- 调理脾胃 regulating the spleen and stomach
- 清热法 heat-clearing therapy
- 清热泻火 clearing heat and purging fire
- 苦寒清热 herbs bitter in taste and cold in nature clearing heat
- 甘寒清热 herbs sweet in taste and cold in nature clearing away heat
- 辛寒清热 clearing heat with pungent-cold medicinals
- 清热行滞 clearing heat and removing stagnation
- 清热止痛 clearing heat to stop pain
- 清热化斑 clearing heat and resolving macula
- 清热止血 clearing heat and stopping bleeding
- 清热解毒 clearing heat and removing toxin
- 清营解毒 clearing the nutrient to remove toxin
- 凉血解毒 cooling blood to remove toxin
- 解毒化斑 removing toxin and resolving macula
- 清心解毒 clearing the heart and removing toxin
- 清肺解毒 clearing the lung and removing toxin
- 清肝解毒 clearing the liver and removing toxin
- 清胃解毒 clearing the stomach and removing toxin
- 清肠解毒 clearing the intestine and removing toxin
- 解毒消瘴 removing toxin to expel miasma
- 清热祛邪 clearing heat and eliminating pathogenic factors
- 清热透邪 clearing heat and outthrusting pathogenic factors
- 清热透疹 clearing heat and outthrusting rashes
- 清热宣痹 clearing heat to diffuse impediment
- 清热凉营 clearing heat and cooling the nutrient +2
- 清热凉血 clearing heat and cooling blood +8
- 清热散结 clearing away heat to dissipate mass +1
- 清热消肿 clearing heat and dispersing swelling
- 清泄里热 clearing and purging internal heat
- 清宣郁热 clearing and diffusing stagnant heat
- 清心泻火 clearing the heart and purging fire +9
- 清热泻肺 clearing heat and purging the lung +8
- 清脾泄热 clearing the spleen and purging heat +11
- 清泻肝胆 clearing and purging the liver and gallbladder +9
- 清热通淋 clearing heat and relieving stranguria
- 清热调经 clearing heat and regulating menstruation
- 清热止带 clearing heat to stop leukorrhagia
- 清热安胎 clearing heat to calm fetus
- 清泻虚热 clearing and purging deficiency-heat
- 清热养阴 clearing heat and nourishing yin
- 清热泻火 clearing heat and purging fire
- 理气法 qi-regulating therapy
- 理气解郁 regulating qi and releasing stagnation
- 行气降逆 moving qi and downbearing counterflow
- 理气行滞 regulating qi and moving stagnation
- 行气和胃 moving qi to harmonize the stomach
- 理气消痞 regulating qi and resolving stuffiness
- 理气健脾 regulating qi and fortifying the spleen
- 理气消肿 regulating qi and dispersing swelling
- 行气宽肠 moving qi and soothing the intestine
- 利气疏导 disinhibiting qi and dispersing stagnation
- 理气调经 regulating qi to regulate menstruation
- 理气安胎 regulating qi to calm fetus
- 理气止痛 regulating qi to stop pain
- 理气通络 regulating qi and unblocking collaterals
- 理气化瘀 regulating qi and resolving stasis
- 行气破血 moving qi and breaking blood
- 理气破积 regulating qi to break accumulation
- 补气升提 tonifying qi and upbearing yang
- 理血法 blood-regulating therapy
- 活血养血 activating blood and nourishing blood
- 活血化瘀 activating blood and resolving stasis
- 活血舒筋 activating blood and soothing sinews
- 活血通经 activating the blood to unblock meridians
- 通经止痒 unblocking meridians to stop itching
- 活血通痹 activating blood and unblocking impediment
- 活血祛风 activating blood and dispelling wind
- 化瘀宣肺 resolving stasis to diffuse the lung
- 化瘀宽心 resolving stasis to soothe the heart
- 化瘀理脾 resolving stasis to regulate the spleen
- 化瘀养胃 resolving stasis and nourishing the stomach
- 化瘀养肝 resolving stasis and nourishing the liver
- 活血调经 activating blood to regulate menstruation
- 活血通络 activating the blood to unblock collaterals
- 活血止痛 activating blood to stop pain
- 活血止血 activating the blood to stop bleeding
- 化瘀清热 resolving stasis and clearing heat
- 祛湿法 dampness-dispelling therapy
- 润燥法 dryness-moistening therapy
- 补益法 tonifying and replenishing therapy
- 补气 tonifying qi
- 补益心气 tonifying and replenishing heart qi +2
- 补益肝气 tonifying and replenishing liver qi
- 补益中气 tonifying and replenishing middle qi +7
- 补益肺气 tonifying and replenishing lung qi
- 补益肾气 tonifying and replenishing kidney qi +4
- 益气下胎 replenishing qi to deliver dead fetus
- 补气固脱 tonifying qi and securing collapse
- 补气祛邪 tonifying qi to dispel pathogenic factors +5
- 补血 tonifying blood
- 滋阴 enriching yin
- 滋阴生津 enriching yin and producing fluid +1
- 滋阴补血 enriching yin and replenishing blood
- 滋补心阴 enriching and tonifying heart yin +1
- 滋补肝阴 enriching and tonifying liver yin +5
- 滋补脾阴 enriching and tonifying spleen yin +5
- 滋补肺阴 enriching and tonifying lung yin +4
- 滋补肾阴 enriching and tonifying kidney yin +2
- 滋阴清热 enriching yin and clearing heat +7
- 滋阴祛邪 enriching yin and dispelling pathogenic factors +11
- 补阳 tonifying yang
- 补阳益气 tonifying yang and replenishing qi +1
- 温补心阳 warming and tonifying heart yang +2
- 温补肝阳 warming and tonifying liver yang
- 温补脾胃 warming and tonifying the spleen and stomach +6
- 温补肺阳 warming and tonifying lung yang +2
- 温补肾阳 warming and tonifying kidney yang +3
- 温阳固摄 replenishing yang to reinforce and arrest with astringent therapy +6
- 温阳祛邪 warming yang to dispel pathogenic factors +13
- 补益气血 tonifying and replenishing qi and blood
- 调补气血 regulating and tonifying qi and blood
- 温补气血 warming and tonifying qi and blood
- 补气摄血 tonifying qi and controlling blood
- 补气生血 tonifying qi to produce blood
- 补脾养血 tonifying the spleen and nourishing blood
- 补气活血 tonifying qi and activating blood
- 益气养营 replenishing qi and nourishing the nutrient
- 补益肝脾 tonifying and replenishing the liver and spleen
- 补益心脾 tonifying and replenishing the heart and spleen
- 补益心肝 tonifying and replenishing the heart and liver
- 补益气阴 replenishing qi and enriching yin
- 补气生津 tonifying qi and producing fluid
- 滋补心肺 enriching and tonifying the heart and lung
- 滋补心肾 enriching and tonifying the heart and kidney
- 滋补肺肾 enriching and tonifying the lung and kidney
- 滋补肺胃 enriching and tonifying the lung and stomach
- 滋补肝胃 enriching and tonifying the liver and stomach
- 滋补脾胃 enriching and tonifying the spleen and stomach
- 滋阴补阳 enriching yin and tonifying yang
- 补益精髓 tonifying and replenishing marrow and essence
- 补气 tonifying qi
- 温里法 internal-warming therapy
- 祛暑法 heatstroke-dispelling therapy
- 治风法 wind-treating therapy
- 祛痰法 phlegm-dispelling therapy
- 宣肺化痰 diffusing the lung to resolve phlegm
- 理气化痰 regulating qi and resolving phlegm
- 化痰消食 resolving phlegm and promoting digestion
- 祛风化痰 dispelling wind and resolving phlegm
- 清热化痰 clearing heat and resolving phlegm
- 清热行气化痰 clearing heat, moving qi and resolving phlegm
- 清热化痰宽胸 clearing heat, resolving phlegm and soothing the chest
- 清热滋阴化痰 clearing heat, enriching yin and resolving phlegm
- 清热祛痰化瘀 clearing heat, dispelling phlegm and resolving stasis
- 泻火涤痰 purging fire and sweeping phlegm
- 清肺化痰 clearing the lung and resolving phlegm +2
- 清心豁痰 clearing the heart and sweeping phlegm
- 润燥化痰 moistening dryness and resolving phlegm
- 燥湿化痰 drying dampness and resolving phlegm
- 温化痰饮 warming and resolving phlegm and retained fluid
- 化痰散结 resolving phlegm and dissipating bind
- 祛痰化瘀 dispelling phlegm and resolving stasis
- 开窍法 orifice-opening therapy
- 开窍通闭 opening orifices and unblocking block
- 宁心开窍 tranquilizing the heart and opening orifices
- 行气开窍 moving qi and opening orifices
- 芳香开窍 opening orifices with aroma
- 散寒开窍 dissipating cold and opening orifices
- 清热开窍 clearing heat and opening orifices
- 解毒开闭 removing toxin and opening block
- 化痰开窍 resolving phlegm and opening orifices
- 消石开闭 resolving stone and opening block
- 杀虫法 killing worms method
- 驱蛔杀虫 expelling ascaris and killing worms
- 祛风杀虫 dispelling wind and killing worms
- 燥湿杀虫 drying dampness to kill worms
- 祛痰杀虫 dispelling phlegm and killing worms
- 杀虫解毒 killing worms and removing toxin
- 杀虫消疳 killing worms and releasing malnutrition
- 健脾驱虫 fortifying the spleen to expel worms
- 杀虫宁神 killing worms and tranquilizing spirit
- 安神法 spirit-tranquilizing therapy
- 消导法 resolving and unblocking therapy
- 消食导滞 promoting digestion and removing food stagnation
- 消痞化积 dispersing stuffiness and resolving stagnation
- 软坚散结 softening hardness and dissipating bind
- 益气散结 replenishing qi and dissipating bind
- 养营软坚 nourishing the nutrient and softening hardness
- 养阴软坚 nourishing yin to soften hardness
- 舒筋散结 relaxing sinews to dissipate bind
- 软坚消瘿 softening hardness and resolving goiter
- 宽胸散结 soothing the chest to dissipate bind
- 通乳散结 promoting lactation to dissipate bind
- 软坚消癥 softening hardness and resolving abdominal mass
- 破积散结 breaking accumulation and dissipating bind
- 消石导滞 resolving stone and removing stagnation
- 分消上下 separate elimination from the upper and lower
- 固涩法 securing and astringing therapy
- 治痈疡法 therapies for treating abscess and ulcer
- 消痈散疖 resolving carbuncle and dissipating furuncle
- 活血消痈 activating blood to resolve carbuncle
- 解毒消痈 removing toxin to dissipate carbuncle
- 排脓消肿 draining pus to resolve swelling
- 祛腐生肌 dispelling putridity to promote tissue regeneration
- 消肿生肌 resolving swelling to promote tissue regeneration
- 去毒生肌 removing toxin to promote tissue regeneration
- 煨脓长肉 accelerating pus secretion to promote tissue regeneration
- 透脓生肌 outthrusting pus to promote tissue regeneration
- 燥湿生肌 drying dampness to promote tissue regeneration
- 和营生新 harmonizing the nutrient to promote regeneration
- 养血生肌 nourishing blood to promote tissue regeneration
- 养阴生肌 nourishing yin to promote tissue regeneration
- 益气生肌 replenishing qi to promote tissue regeneration
- 回阳生肌 restoring yang to promote tissue regeneration
- 生肌收口 promoting tissue regeneration to close wound
- 生肌定痛 promoting tissue regeneration and relieving pain
- 治五官法 therapeutic methods for treating five sense organs
- 其他治法 other therapeutic methods
- 壮水制阳 invigorating water to control yang
- 益火消阴 replenishing fire to disperse yin
- 引火归原 directing fire back to its origin
- 宣通三焦 diffusing and unblocking triple energizer
- 交通心肾 coordinating the heart and kidney
- 清利头目 clearing and disinhibiting the head and eyes
- 滑利窍道 moistening and disinhibiting orifices and canals
- 宽胸利膈 soothing the chest and disinhibiting the diaphragm
- 续筋接骨 reunion of broken sinews and fractured bones
- 强筋壮骨 strengthening sinews and invigorating bones
- 酸甘化阴 transforming yin with sour and sweet flavors
- 辛甘化阳 transforming yang with pungent and sweet flavors
- 佐金平木 supporting metal to suppress wood
- 益火生土 replenishing fire to generate earth
- 金水相生 mutual promotion between metal and water
- 培土制水 banking up earth to control water
- 泻南补北 purging south and nourishing north
- 畜鱼置介 using shells to suppress yang
- 提壶揭盖 lifting up pot and removing lid
- 逆流挽舟 boating-up-the-stream therapy
- 开鬼门,洁净府 opening sweat pores and cleaning urinary bladder
- 解毒安胎 removing toxin to prevent miscarriage
- 以毒攻毒 predominating over toxin with toxin
疗法类术语 therapeutic methods terminology
- 针灸疗法 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy
- 体针疗法 body needle acupuncture therapy
- 头针疗法 scalp acupuncture therapy
- 面针疗法 facial acupuncture therapy
- 眼针疗法 ocular acupuncture therapy
- 鼻针疗法 nose acupuncture therapy
- 耳针疗法 ear acupuncture therapy
- 舌针疗法 tongue acupuncture therapy
- 脊背针疗法 back acupuncture therapy
- 手针疗法 hand acupuncture therapy
- 足针疗法 foot acupuncture therapy
- 腕踝针疗法 carpus-ankle acupuncture therapy
- 皮内针疗法 intradermal imbedding needle therapy
- 巨针疗法 big needle therapy
- 七星针疗法 seven-star needle therapy
- 三棱针疗法 three-edged needle therapy
- 挑治疗法 fibrous tissue-pricking therapy
- 陶针疗法 pottery needle therapy
- 芒针疗法 awn-needle therapy
- 点刺疗法 pricking therapy
- 针刺麻醉法 acupuncture anesthesia therapy
- 刺络拔罐疗法 collateral-pricking and cupping therapy
- 脉冲电针疗法 pulse electro-acupuncture therapy
- 微波针疗法 microwave acupuncture therapy
- 激光针疗法 laser acupuncture therapy
- 电离子导入疗法 electrical iontophoresis therapy
- 水针疗法 water acupuncture therapy
- 火针疗法 heated needle therapy
- 温针疗法 warm needle therapy
- 麦粒灸疗法 moxibustion therapy with grain-sized moxa cone
- 疤痕灸疗法 scaring moxibustion therapy
- 隔姜灸疗法 moxibustion on ginger therapy
- 隔蒜灸疗法 moxibustion on garlic therapy
- 药饼灸疗法 moxibustion on medicated cake therapy
- 艾条灸疗法 moxa-roll moxibustion therapy
- 推拿疗法 tuina therapy
- 小儿推拿疗法 infantile tuina therapy
- 脏腑经穴推拿疗法 viscera, meridian and point tuina therapy
- 正骨推拿疗法 bone-setting therapy
- 喉科擎拿疗法 grasping therapy for treating throat disorders
- 膏摩疗法 therapy of massage with paste
- 内功推拿疗法 internal exercise tuina therapy
- 一指禅推拿疗法 single-finger pushing tuina therapy
- 㨰法推拿疗法 therapy with rolling manipulation
- 捏脊疗法 spine pinching therapy
- 点穴疗法 point-pressing therapy
- 指拨疗法 finger-plucking therapy
- 推扳疗法 pushing manipulation and pulling manipulation therapy
- 拍击疗法 patting therapy
- 保健按摩疗法 healthcare massage therapy
- 外治疗法 external therapeutic methods
- 药熨疗法 medicated compress therapy
- 敷贴疗法 paste application therapy
- 敷脐疗法 umbilicus-application therapy
- 湿敷疗法 wet compress therapy
- 热敷疗法 hot compress therapy
- 熏蒸疗法 fumigating and steaming therapy
- 冲洗疗法 flushing and washing therapy
- 沐浴疗法 loutrotherapy
- 膏药疗法 plaster application therapy
- 药膏疗法 ointment application therapy
- 箍围疗法 lesion-encircling therapy
- 腐蚀疗法 corrosion therapy
- 烧灼疗法 burning and scorching therapy
- 药栓疗法 medicinal suppository therapy
- 灌肠疗法 coloclysis therapy
- 握药疗法 medicine griping therapy
- 药枕疗法 medicated pillow therapy
- 药肚疗法 medicated bag therapy
- 药带疗法 medicated belt therapy
- 香佩疗法 aromatic pendant therapy
- 枯痔疗法 hemorrhoid necrotizing therapy
- 拔罐疗法 cupping therapy
- 火烙疗法 fire-cauterizing therapy
- 打灯火疗法 rush-burning therapy
- 切开疗法 incision therapy
- 割治疗法 cutting therapy
- 刺血疗法 blood-letting therapy
- 刮痧疗法 cutaneous scrapping therapy
- 缠缚疗法 binding-tying therapy
- 引流疗法 drainage therapy
- 吸引疗法 sucking therapy
- 药线疗法 medicated string therapy
- 拖线疗法 thread-tugging therapy
- 灌注疗法 perfusion therapy
- 垫棉疗法 cotton-padding therapy
- 点眼疗法 eyedrops application therapy
- 敷眼疗法 eye application therapy
- 海螵蛸摩擦疗法 cuttlebone scraping and rubbbing therapy
- 金针拨障疗法 cataract-removing therapy with metal needle
- 塞耳疗法 ear-insertion therapy
- 吹耳疗法 ear-insufflation therapy
- 滴耳疗法 ear-drops application therapy
- 洗耳疗法 ear-washing therapy
- 塞鼻疗法 nose insertion therapy
- 药液滴鼻疗法 nasal dropping therapy with medicated fluid
- 吹鼻疗法 nose insufflation therapy
- 鼻嗅疗法 nasal inhalation therapy
- 气雾吸入疗法 aerosol inhalation therapy
- 噙化疗法 mouth dissolving therapy
- 含漱疗法 mouth gargling therapy
- 小儿蒂丁指压疗法 infantile uvula pressing therapy
- 吹喉疗法 laryngeal insufflation therapy
- 药液拭口疗法 therapy for wiping the mouth with medicated liquid
- 擦牙疗法 tooth brushing therapy
- 结扎疗法 ligation therapy
- 整复疗法 restitution therapy
- 穴位埋线疗法 catgut-embedding therapy
- 磁穴疗法 magnetic point therapy
- 饮食疗法 dietary therapeutics
- 意疗法 mental therapeutics
- 情志疗法 emotional therapy
- 意示入眠疗法 sleep suggestion therapy
- 语言开导疗法 oral straightening therapy
- 以情胜情疗法 therapy of emotion predominating over emotion
- 移情易性疗法 emotional transference and dispositional change therapy
- 暗示解惑疗法 suggestion and puzzle-relief therapy
- 顺意疗法 submission therapy
- 习以平惊疗法 therapy for pacifying fear through accustoming practice
- 音乐疗法 music therapy
- 歌吟疗法 singing and chanting therapy
- 舞蹈疗法 dancing therapy
- 情志疗法 emotional therapy
- 杂疗法 miscellaneous therapeutic methods
- 针灸疗法 acupuncture and moxibustion therapy
- 参考文献
在第三届国际传统医药大会上,中国中医研究院医史文献研究所朱建平研究员就中医术语的规范化进行了简短发言。会后,记者与朱研究员就中医术语规范化的相关问题进行了探讨,并将他的观点整理成文,希望引起广大读者对 …… [全文]
特发性突聋又名突发性聋,是指短时间内迅速发生的、原因不明的、明显的感音神经性聋。患者听力损失可在数分钟或数小时内达到高峰,或可伴有耳鸣及眩晕。本病春秋季节易发,多见单耳发病,发病年龄多在40~60岁之 …… [全文]
癫痫是一种由于脑功能异常所导致的慢性疾病,临床表现为反复发作的惊厥。发作是脑内神经元群过度放电而引起的阵发性脑功能障碍,因放电部位与范围不同而表现症状不同。发作范围可为部分性或全身性;发作形式可为一过 …… [全文]
外科著作。上海中医学院外科学教研组等编着。总论部分介绍病历的编写、诊断、治法及诊疗技术操作等。各论部分包括一般外科病、肛门病、皮肤病、眼耳鼻喉口腔病、常见外科急症等五章。主要根据实际临床体验结合现 …… [全文]
外科著作。上海中医学院外科学教研组等编着。总论部分介绍病历的编写、诊断、治法及诊疗技术操作等。各论部分包括一般外科病、肛门病、皮肤病、眼耳鼻喉口腔病、常见外科急症等五章。主要根据实际临床体验结合现 …… [全文]
颈椎病亦称颈部综合征,是指颈椎间盘退行性变,及其继发性椎间关节退行性变所致脊髓、神经、血管损害而表现的相应症状和体征。 常规治疗 1.理筋手法 患者低坐位,术者站于患者背后,以滚、揉、点压、拿捏 …… [全文]
扁桃体炎是一种儿童时期最常见的呼吸道病变,临床表现为发热、扁桃体肿大、有或无脓性渗出物。临床可分为急性扁桃体炎和慢性扁桃体炎。 中医称扁桃体炎为“乳蛾”,急乳蛾即急性扁桃体炎,慢乳蛾即慢性扁桃体炎。 …… [全文]
1月7日,国内第一部指导中医肿瘤临床诊疗技术的规范性文件——《肿瘤中医诊疗指南》在京发布。该《指南》由国家中医药管理局立项,中华中医药学会组织,中华中医药学会肿瘤分会负责编制。 据了解,《肿瘤中医诊 …… [全文]
凡因某种原因使血糖下降至正常值以下,引起以交感神经兴奋和中枢神经系统功能障碍为主要症状的一组临床表现,称为低血糖症。以饥饿感、脸色苍白、心悸脉速、冷汗、四肢麻木或震颤、恐惧感或精神错乱,甚则晕厥等为主 …… [全文]
胎儿娩出后24小时内失血量超过500毫升称产后出血。一般多发生在产后两小时内,是分娩期严重并发症,居我国产妇死亡原因的首位,其发病率占分娩总数的2%~3%。产后出血的预后因失血的多少、失血速度及产妇体 …… [全文]